Using Multimedia to Teach English and American Culture to Chinese EFL Students

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  Abstract:Nowadays,the use of multimedia in teaching is widespread. When teaching English to Chinese EFL students,American culture is an important part. Combining introducing American culture in English classes with multimedia is helpful for both arousing the students’ interests and acquiring the language.
  Key words:multimedia;American culture;EFL students;language
  How do EFL students learn English? In China,students learn English by doing grammar,vocabulary,reading and writing exercises,which can be a good way of learning a new language. However,there are always better ways. Learning a new language is not only about learning the rules of language itself but also learning about culture(Kramsch,1998. p. 15). EFL students in China seldom have the chance of coming in contact with American popular culture,which is one the reasons of why students in China only know about English language itself.
  However,learning culture is essential in learning a new language. Culture is a crucial part of language and cannot be separated from language. According to Mughan,“In order for language learners to apply skills fruitfully and effectively,knowledge of the culture environment is essential”(as cited by Badger & MacDonald,2007,p.215). On one hand,culture does not only involve music,literature,people’s attitudes but also language. Therefore,language is one of the embodiments of culture. On the other hand,language is “a system of signs that is seen as having itself a culture value”(Kramsch,1998. p. 3). In fact,language is not only a system of signs but also a set of cultural value.
  Multimedia has become a powerful tool in the past several decades because it is widespread and has a great influence on people’s everyday life. Books,movies,music,literature are all included in multimedia. Utilizing multimedia in teaching American popular culture to EFL students can be very effective. Teachers can make full use of different kinds of multimedia in the classroom,and students can also utilize the convenience of multimedia to learn American popular culture outside of the classroom.
  Language researchers have reached a consensus that communication ability includes five factors:listening,speaking,reading,writing and the social ability to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds. However,in language teaching process,teachers put more attention on grammar and structure and neglect the social environment of language,especially the cultural differences between languages. They ignore the connotation of culture by teaching the language itself(Duff,2001,p. 114).   When start to talk about teaching American popular culture to Chinese EFL students through media,the first question comes up to people’s mind might be why cultural teaching is necessary in EFL classrooms. Therefore,it is important to discuss the relationship between language and culture,which is the most basic area of the project. Language is an instrument that carries the function of reflection and communication. It plays an indispensable role in people’s cognitive competence,way of thinking,social skills and way of expression. Each language has generated and developed in a particular and specific social history environment. Likewise,culture is an outcome social development. Therefore,language is a carrier of culture and a way of showing the existence of culture.
  The next question is,why is it necessary to teach culture to Chinese students? This question refers to the current situation in Chinese EFL classrooms. First of all,learning American culture can arouse students’ interests in learning English. To pass the English examinations in China,most students focus more on grammar,reading and writing,which results in the polarization of language learning interest in Chinese EFL students. The introduction of culture in English classes can help the students know about more interesting things when learning English. Second,learning culture is also helpful for enhancing the students’ application ability of English grammar. Knowing the background of an language can help Chinese EFL students master the language itself(Guo,2015,p. 81).
  [1]Badger,R. & MacDonald,M. N.(2007). Culture,language,pedagogy:The place of culture in language teacher education. Pedagogy,Culture & Society,15(2). 215-227.
  [2]Duff,P. A.(2001). Language,literacy,content,and(Pop)culture:Challenge for ESL students in mainstream courses. Canadian Modern Language Review,58. 103-132.
  [3]Guo,L.J.(2015). “The importance of teaching cultural background information in college English teaching”. Changchun Educational College Newspaper,31(23). 81-83.
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摘 要:随着我国教育事业的不断完善和发展,思想品德课程的重要性也逐渐的显现,尤其是小学阶段的思想品德课程,在整个小学阶段属于不可或缺的内容,对小学生的思想品德和行为习惯的养成有着重要的影响,小学思想品德课程的重要作用就是育人,目前如何实现高效育人已经成为小学思想品德课程教学的主要任务,教师要深入的分析和探究实现小学思想品德课程的高效育人途径,开展高效的课程教学,为学生的学习和发展奠定良好的基础[1
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摘 要:与传统的英语教学方法相比,多媒体技术改变了“以教师为中心”的传统教学模式,更加注重“以学生为主体”的现代教育理念,丰富了课堂教学内容,改变了学生的学习方式,提高了学习的效果。听说教学一直都是中职英语教学的重难点,如今在信息时代高速发展的引领和带动下,广大中职学校教师们也开始重视起了网络资源的合理应用,尤其是中职英语听说教学中的应用,多媒体技术的合理使用能够在丰富授课内容的同时,进一步锻炼学
摘 要:小学教学中的读与写是密不可分的,在小学语文阅读教学中提升学生的语文阅读能力能够帮助学生正确地认识到写作的重要性。并且学生在这种课外阅读的学习过程中掌握写作中所包含的知识,并将这些知识应用于写作的过程中。所以在小学语文教学中,教师需要能够借助阅读来提升学生的写作能力,进而有效促进学生语文综合能力的提升。  关键词:课外阅读;小学语文;作文教学  引言  新课程标准明确提出要在小学课外阅读教学
摘 要:自古以来,吟诵便是最主要的读书方法,“摇头晃脑”便是古时书生读书时神情姿态的描写。虽然由于一些历史原因造成了吟诵断层,但令人欣慰的是,近年来学界再次认识到了吟诵在教学中的价值,已有较多学者呼吁在教学实践中恢复吟诵,也已有一批一线教师将吟诵运用于语文学科的古诗词教学中。不过,鉴于吟诵断层已久,仍有不少教师对吟诵的了解极少,相关知识欠缺,导致部分学者在具体实践过程中始终难以发挥出吟诵的真正效用
摘 要:对高中心理健康教育进行改革,已经成为高中实现素质教育的必然要求。信息技术与高中心理健康教育的整合,实际上就是借助信息技术优势,在虚拟网络环境下开展心理健康教育,摆脱传统心理健康教育枯燥乏味问题,调动学生学习的积极性。  关键词:高中心理健康教育;信息技术;整合  一、高中心理健康教育课程的分析  课程的目标、内容与要求:《关于加强中小学心理健康教育的若干意见》中指出高中心理健康教育是根据中
摘 要:新课改背景下,小学语文教师要选择合适的机会,有效渗透传统文化,帮助学生树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观,将来有能力去创造属于他们的美好明天。具体实践过程中,有必要尊重学生的主体意愿,鼓励他们突破自我,深刻理解教材中的传统文化,应该营造出良好的课堂氛围,使学生自觉融入情境里,养成自主分析或者独立思考的好习惯后,达成有效学习目标。本文主要介绍了小学语文教学中该怎样进行传统文化的渗透。  关键词
摘 要:新课改的深入推进,更注重对学生综合素质的全面培养。高中阶段是学生思维发展、价值观养成的关键时期。面对正处于青春期、即将步入更高学府深造的青少年,应从自主管理的角度出发,培养其自律性、提高其认知能力,使其能够进行自我约束及有效管理,具有学习的积极性。基于此,笔者结合自身经验,展开对高中生自主管理的校本实践问题研究。  关键词:高中生;自主管理;校本实践  引言  新课改的核心理念,便是一切为
摘 要:随着社会的不断变革,人们对于教育事业也越来越重视,特别是初中数学。新课改的目的是要求教师提升课堂教学效率,学生掌握解题技巧,并能客观的解决实际问题。基于此,本文将深入分析当下初中数学教学存在的多种问题,并提出相应的解决对策,以提升初中数学课堂教学的质量。  关键词:初中数学;教学质量;策略  引言  教育事业蒸蒸日上,各界人士对教学的要求愈来愈严格,特别是对初中数学教师而言,他们必须有着专
摘 要:在信息时代的高速发展的背景下,微课作为科学信息技术的产物被提出和广泛应用信息技术教学中。在小学信息技术的教学中,微课作为新兴教学模式,将课堂与技术操作进行衔接。但对于微课的操作和应用仍处于探索阶段,存在些许不足之处。教师需要在实际教学中找到教科学与信息衔接的关键点和平衡点,转换教学思路、改进教学方法。本文分析目前小学信息技术教学中的基本内容和存在的问题,探讨研究微课在小学信息技术教学中的实