Investigation of Thermal Decomposition of Ascorbic Acid by TG-FTIR and Thermal Kinetics Analysis Shi

来源 :武汉生物工程学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:f654753936
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The thermal behavior of dry solid ascorbic acid in nitrogen atmosphere in the temperature range of 25~800℃was investigated by TG-FTIR.During the thermal decomposition process,five evolved gaseous species,including H_2O,CO_2,CO,CH_4 and HCOOH,were identified and monitored,in which HCOOH was detected for the first time.The results indicated that ascorbic acid began to decompose at 191℃.Its decomposition process consisted of three stages,and dehydration and decarboxylation to form furfural were the possible principal mechanism.The kinetic analysis for the first decomposition stage was also carried out by the isoconversional method and the master plots method.The results indicated that this process can be described by the model of 1st order reaction. The thermal behavior of dry solid ascorbic acid in nitrogen atmosphere in the temperature range of 25 ~ 800 ℃ was investigated by TG-FTIR. During the thermal decomposition process, five evolved gaseous species, including H_2O, CO_2, CO, CH_4 and HCOOH, were identified and monitored, in which HCOOH was detected for the first time. The results indicate that ascorbic acid began to decompose at 191 ° C.Its decomposition process consisted of three stages, and dehydration and decarboxylation to form furfural were the possible principal mechanism. kinetic analysis for the first decomposition stage was also carried out by the isoconversional method and the master plots method. The results indicate that this process can be described by the model of 1st order reaction.
摘 要:经济增加值(EVA)是20世纪90年代以来在西方国家得到广泛应用的一个新型的财务评价指标,它克服了传统会计利润指标的缺陷,比较准确的衡量了企业在一定时期内为股东创造的价值。EVA的简单定义是调整后的税后净营业利润减去全部资本成本后的利润余额。相对于传统的会计利润指标,EVA考虑了所有者权益的机会成本,并且计算过程中根据企业实际情况对会计信息进行适当调整,在一定程度上消除了报表信息对企业真
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