退休后,怎样过好晚年,是每位朋友必须面对的现实问题。但是,怎样快乐度晚年,给人生画上圆满的句号,却有不同的版本。教师节前老同学聚会,我从校友口中听到一个有关晚年“活法”的真实故事,很惹眼,挺新鲜,让我茅塞顿开……老校友刚从美国探亲旅游回来。他儿子博士毕业不久,自己还在跟年轻朋友合伙租房住,却以虔诚的孝心给漂洋过海、乐乐呵呵到异域探亲的父母租住了一套房。房东是位8 0多岁的老太,三间卧室外加
After retirement, how to have a good old age is a real problem that every friend must face. However, how happy life, painting a successful conclusion of life, there are different versions. Teacher gathering before the old classmates, I heard from the alumni of a life story about the “living law”, very eye-catching, very fresh, let me open the door ...... The old alumni just came back from visiting the United States to visit tourism. His son Ph.D. graduated soon, he is still with the young friends to rent a house, but devout filial piety to the oceans, Lele hehe to visit relatives rented a suite of foreign parents. The landlord is a 80-year-old woman, three bedrooms plus