目的:探讨脑肿瘤介入性治疗技术的可行性及临床应用价值。方法:采用动脉插管技术、注入利尿剂及阿片 类药物,以降低颅内压,破坏血脑屏障,提高脑肿瘤化疗效果,对筛选后病人介入治疗后进行球囊闭塞试验,以提高外科手 术切除率。结果:14例患者,介入治疗20次。显效:2例;有效:9例;稳定:2例;无效:1例。结论:脑肿瘤动脉途径超选择 灌注给药疗效肯定,如何再提高疗效及远期效果如何,有待进一步研究。
Objective: To explore the feasibility and clinical application value of interventional therapy for brain tumors. Methods: Arterial cannulation technique, diuretic injection, and opioids were used to reduce intracranial pressure, disrupt the blood-brain barrier, and enhance the efficacy of brain tumor chemotherapy. Balloon occlusion was performed after interventional treatment of selected patients to improve surgical procedures. Resection rate. Results: In 14 patients, interventional treatment was performed 20 times. Markedly: 2 cases; effective: 9 cases; stable: 2 cases; invalid: 1 case. Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of superselective perfusion of brain tumors is positive. How to further improve the efficacy and long-term efficacy of the brain tumors remains to be further studied.