本馆因为受到抗战内迁交通困难种种影响,损失很重,抗日战争胜利復员後,又因经费短绌,不能添置设备,所以工作很难进展。解放後,由於人民政府注重科学研究,增加我们的经费,使得我们能有步骤的添置了一些原料,和自己设计制造了一些设备,工作向前推进了不少,虽然距离战前水準还远,但是一般情绪,却提高了很多。现在将我们在解放后几个月中进行的工作,分述於後: (一)玻璃部门——我们将解放前半年运到的一座电阻式高温电炉和高温纪录仪装置好了,同时将它校正过,準备随时应用。但是因为发热体不能多受温度的骤变,因而缩減它的寿命的原故,我
Owing to the heavy losses caused by the transportation difficulties during the Anti-Japanese War and the triumphal demobilization of the anti-Japanese war, it was difficult for the museum to make progress because of the shortage of funds and the lack of equipment. After the liberation, as the people’s government paid more attention to scientific research and increased our funding so that we can purchase some raw materials step by step and design and manufacture some equipment ourselves, our work has moved a lot. Although it is far away from pre-war standards, But the general mood, but increased a lot. Now we are going to put the work we did in the months following the liberation into account: (1) The glass department - we installed a high-temperature resistance electric furnace and a high-temperature recorder in the first six months of liberation, Corrected, ready to be applied at any time. But because the heating element can not be subject to sudden temperature changes, thus reducing the life of it, I