自我国开始实行计划生育政策以来,口服避孕药(oral contraception,OC)一直被广大妇女采用。口服避孕药主要通过抑制卵巢的排卵而达到避孕目的,但长期服用是否会对卵巢功能产生不可逆抑制而导致卵巢功能提前衰竭,子宫内膜生长长期处于抑制状态,是否会出现不可逆性的闭经,由于卵
Since our country began to implement the family planning policy, oral contraception (oral contraception, OC) has been adopted by the majority of women. Oral contraceptives mainly by inhibiting ovulation and ovulation to achieve the purpose of contraception, but whether long-term use will have an irreversible inhibition of ovarian function leading to early failure of ovarian function, long-term inhibition of endometrial growth, the occurrence of irreversible amenorrhea, as a result of egg