从人权保障、权力监督和依法行政的角度出发 ,如果行政指导行为使行政相对人受到损害 ,相对人有权获得司法救济。可以借助合同法上的要约与承诺理论 ,来分析在指导过程中行政机关和相对人的权利义务关系。应根据行政指导的合法性、强制性 ,行政机关是否履行其承诺的义务 ,相对人可以自由选择接受指导与否、是否有寻求救济的其他途径等因素 ,区别行政指导的具体性质 ,为相对人确定相应的救济手段。
From the perspective of human rights protection, power supervision and administration according to law, relatives have the right to judicial remedy if the administrative guidance acts impairs the administrative counterpart. With the help of the contract law and the promise theory, we can analyze the rights and obligations between the executive authorities and the relatives in the process of guidance. Should be based on the legitimacy of administrative guidance, mandatory, whether the executive authorities to fulfill their commitments, relatives are free to choose to accept the guidance or not, whether there is any other way to seek relief, the specific nature of the difference between administrative guidance for the relative Determine the appropriate means of relief.