随着Internet的广泛普及,人们经常需要从网上下载文件。但由于网络带宽有限,下载大的文件往往是一件很劳神的事。为了避开网络流量的高峰期,人们不得不违反通常的作息规律,利用夜间、凌晨等网络相对空闲的时间来下载文件。而更让人头疼的是,有时文件下载了大半,却因为网络不稳定、数据传送阻塞以及所使用的系统崩溃等原因而断线,不得不从头传起,既浪费了网络带宽,又浪费了人力财力。那么有什么解决办法吗?下面向大家推荐一种功能强大的网络下载工具Co! Zilla,它不仅具有断点续传功能,更有灵活的调度机制,通过一些简单的设置,文件
With the popularity of the Internet, people often need to download files from the Internet. However, due to limited network bandwidth, downloading large files is often a bothering thing. In order to avoid the peak of network traffic, people have to violate the usual rules of rest and use the night, early morning and other network relatively free time to download files. And even more troubling is that sometimes the file downloaded most of the time, but because of network instability, blocking data transmission and the use of the collapse of the system and other reasons off the line, had to start from scratch, not only wasting network bandwidth, but also a waste of Human and financial resources. So what is the solution? Here to recommend a powerful network download tool Co! Zilla, it not only has HTTP, more flexible scheduling mechanism, through some simple settings, the file