《艺术发展史》(The Story of Art)是当代西方最著名的美术史家贡布里希(E.H.Gombrich,1909—)最重要的著作之一。它自1950年问世以来已被译成20种文字,仅英文版就印了33次。这部名著已由范景中根据新版译成中文,天津人民美术出版社出版。这里节选的是译者为该书所加的注释中的几段。这些注释除了具有很强的知识性以外,也许还会启发我们注意到,一些习以为常、通行无阻甚至根深蒂固的观念竟然从未受到审视而又那么经不起批判。
The Story of Art is one of the most important writings of E.H.Gombrich (1909-), the most famous art historian in the West. It has been translated into 20 languages since its publication in 1950, with 33 printed in English alone. This famous book has been translated into Chinese by Fan Jingzhong according to the new edition, published by Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House. The excerpts from this passage are the passages in the notes added by the translator to the book. In addition to being highly informative, these notes may inspire us to notice that some commonplace, unobstructed and even deeply rooted notions have never been scrutinized and can not withstand criticism.