1970年12月15日,智利同中国建交,这是第一个同中国建交的南美洲国家。建交以来两国关系发展顺利,双方高层接触频繁,在国际多边领域保持良好合作。随着“一带一路”战略的提出,中智两国又将迎来哪些发展机遇?为此,《中国食品》杂志主编魏传峰对智利驻华大使贺乔治(Jorge Heine)进行了专访。魏传峰:智利是南半球最大的水果出口大国,近两年,随着对外开放的深入以及跨境电商的崛起,智利对中国的水果出口量有什么变化?贺乔治:智利与中国一直保持着良好的贸易关系,尤其是2016年,智利的出口水果有了
On December 15, 1970, Chile established diplomatic relations with China, which is the first South American country to establish diplomatic relations with China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the relations between the two countries have developed smoothly with frequent high-level contacts and good cooperation in the international multilateral area. With the “Belt and Road” strategy put forward, what opportunities will China and Chile usher in? For this reason, Wei Chuanfeng, chief editor of China Food magazine, interviewed Chile’s ambassador to China Jorge Heine. Wei Chuanfeng: Chile is the largest exporter of fruits in the southern hemisphere. In the past two years, with the deepening of opening up and the rise of cross-border electricity suppliers, how has Chile’s exports of fruits to China changed? He Gezhi: Chile and China have maintained a good record Of trade relations, especially in 2016, Chile’s export of fruits there