毛泽东后来在上海见到刘少奇与何宝珍时,还乐呵呵地笑着说:“你们要补我一杯喜酒哟!” 1923年3月,在江西萍乡安源领导路矿工人开展罢工斗争的刘少奇,与何宝珍结成伉俪。刘与何的结合,他们的同乡毛泽东从中是起了积极作用的。 何宝珍是湖南省道县人,1902年出生于一个贫苦的农民家庭。1921年10月,她就认识了毛泽东。那时毛泽东参加完中共党的“一大”回到湖南后,与夏明翰一道来到衡阳,以“女三师”为重点,开展建立党组织的工作,组织进步师生交心、座谈,传播马列主义和救国救民的真理。正在衡阳“女三师”读书的何宝珍,多次听过毛泽东的讲话,那生动活泼的语言、深入浅出的道理,就象那漫漫长夜里的一盏明灯,照亮了她的心坎,给她带来了光
Later, when Mao Zedong met Liu Shao-ch’i and He Baochen in Shanghai, he smiled happily and said: “You have to make up my glass of liqueurs.” In March 1923, Liu Shao-chih, who led the miners in Anyang, He Baozhen married. Liu and Ho combined, their fellow Mao Zedong played an active role. He Baozhen is a native of Daoxian in Hunan Province. He was born in 1902 in a poor peasant family. In October 1921, she met Mao Zedong. At that time, after Mao Zedong attended the “big one” of the Communist Party of China and returned to Hunan, he came to Hengyang with Xia Minghan and focused on “the third female teacher” to carry out the work of establishing party organizations and organizing progress in meeting teachers and students, Doctrine of truth and salvation. He Baozhen, who is studying in Hengyang’s “Three Female Teachers”, has repeatedly heard Mao Zedong’s speech. The vivid language and profound theories in simple language are like a bright light in the long night that illuminates her heart and gives her a Came light