Majesty Salon reigns in Beijing EVEN on a monday morning, majesty Salon in chaoyang district, Beijing, is bustling. Nearly every seat is occupied and the salon bustles as six stylists wash, snip, blow-dry and chit chat with customers. But the chit chat is in French and english as well as chinese, and the blow-drying is accompanied by braiding, dreadlocking and hair relaxing. majesty is the oldest salon in Beijing to specialize in african hair.
Majesty Salon reigns in Beijing EVEN on a monday morning, majesty Salon in chaoyang district, Beijing, is bustling. Nearly every seat is occupied and the salon bustles as six stylists wash, snip, blow-dry and chit chat with customers. But the chit chat is in French and english as well as chinese, and the blow-drying is accompanied by braiding, dreadlocking and hair relaxing. majesty is the oldest salon in Beijing to specialize in african hair.