说到底,浪漫首先是一种生活态度、一种情绪状态,是要为感情付诸行动。虽然,“爱在过去一向被视为引导我们走向生命的原动力,而在(情书不及钞票、离婚率攀升、文艺作品一再地把爱贬为陈词滥调、两性关系日益松弛的)今天……这种原动力本身已成为一个问题了……‘爱’本身已经成为一个问题了。”([美]罗洛梅语)但放眼茫茫人海,为什么爱和浪漫依然在频频惠顾那些“在一起唱歌的两颗灵魂”? 就像“没有爱情的婚姻是不道德的婚姻”(恩格斯语)一样,人间男女之爱倘没有任何浪漫可言,恐怕也阴森恐怖和令人气馁吧。
After all, romance first is a way of life, an emotional state, is to put emotion into action. Although “love has always been seen as the driving force behind our lives in the past, today’s (powerless-loving-money, rising divorce rate, the repeated loss of love for literary and artistic works and the slackening gender relations) It has become a problem in itself ... ’Love’ has become a problem in itself. ”([Lolomei]) However, looking at the vast ocean, why love and romance continue to patronize those who“ sing together Soul ”? Just as“ loveless marriage is an immoral marriage ”(Engels), there is no romance in the world of men and women, but it is also eerie and discouraging.