一、前言 集装箱中转站地基情况变化较大。水运部门一般修建在港口内,土基比较软,如天津、上海、厦门和广州的集装箱码头。表1列出的是天津新港的地质情况,其它地区与此大同小异。对于这种土基,既要进行表层加固,又要进行深层加固。而公路与铁路部门修建的中转站土基情况较好,一般仅需要表层加固,如天津程林庄和北京永定门外的公路中转站。
I. Preface The situation of the foundation of the container transit station changes greatly. The shipping department is generally built in the harbor with relatively soft foundation such as container terminals in Tianjin, Shanghai, Xiamen and Guangzhou. Table 1 lists the geological conditions of Tianjin Xingang, other areas are similar. For such a foundation, it is necessary to carry out surface reinforcement, but also for deep reinforcement. The construction of the highway and railway transit station built subgrade better, generally only need surface reinforcement, such as Tianjin Cheng Linzhuang and Beijing Yongdingmen outside the highway transit station.