笔者就我国目前设计艺术教育所面临的一些混乱局面谈谈粗略的看法。 一、专业布局不合理与名称的混乱 近几年招收工艺美术专业(1998年国家教育部已调整为艺术设计专业、工业设计专业等)的学校愈来愈多,有抢占山头之势,它已打破综合大学和艺术院校唯独招生的禁区。据1998年教育部公布的本科专业目录的统计,之前的“工艺美术”大学科的专业范围有的分离,有的合并,目前有关艺术设计专业分布
The author talks about the rough view on some chaotic situations facing the current design art education in our country. First, the irrational layout of the professional and the confusion of the name In recent years to recruit professional arts and crafts (in 1998 the State Ministry of Education has been adjusted to art design, industrial design, etc.) more and more schools have the potential to seize the hills, it has Break the restricted area of comprehensive enrollment of universities and art colleges. According to statistics published by the Ministry of Education in 1998 undergraduate professional directory, before the “Arts and Crafts” University of the professional range of some separation, and some merger, the current art design professional distribution