一、珠江三角洲集装箱运输的现状 1.集装葙运量高速增长 广东省的集装箱量大部分是在珠江三角洲生成的(见表1),由表可见,2000年的集装箱运量是1990年的7.8倍,10年间翻了近4番。1990年至2000年广东省集装箱运量年均增长率达到了34.3%,其中前期增长速度明显要快于后期。扣除重复的运量部分,即只计香港港口处理量、深圳港和广州港直接进出海的箱量,则大珠江三角洲的集装箱运量2002年约达到了2505万TEU。 表1 广东省口岸集装箱运量统计 (单位:万TEU)
I. THE PRESENT SITUATION OF CONTAINER TRANSPORT IN THE PEARL RIVER DELTA 1. Rapid growth of container shipping volume Most of the containers in Guangdong Province are generated in the Pearl River Delta (see Table 1). It can be seen from the table that the container traffic volume in 2000 was in 1990 7.8 times, nearly four times in 10 years. From 1990 to 2000, the average annual growth rate of container traffic in Guangdong Province reached 34.3%, of which the growth rate of the previous period was significantly faster than the latter period. After deducting the duplicate volume of traffic, that is, the handling capacity of Hong Kong ports and the volume of containers directly entering and leaving the port of Shenzhen and Guangzhou, the container traffic volume in the Greater Pearl River Delta reached about 25.05 million TEU in 2002. Table 1 Guangdong Port Container Traffic Statistics (unit: million TEU)