In late July 2011, a public conflict involving a paralyzed massacre of villagers in a coastal Taiwanese investment zone occurred. A villager was knocked dead due to an accident. The families of the deceased and the perpetrator did not agree on the amount of compensation. Under the intervention and coordination of relevant government departments, the ultimate payment by the perpetrators is much higher than the amount of compensation required by law. In May 2011, a vicious mass conflict broke out in a coastal Taiwanese investment zone along the coast. Due to the dispute over the wastewater discharge problem of a large-scale chemical enterprise located in the village with villagers in the village, the masses of the village eventually struck out with serious physical conflicts. The conflict caused a total area of chemical plant damage, more than a dozen police cars were overturned, 20 were injured. The above examples are only a microcosm of the storm of activism in this investment zone in recent years.