第23届奥林匹克运动会于1984年7—8月间在美国洛杉矶举行。这届奥运会组委会主席是美国青年彼得·维克多·尤伯罗斯。 尤伯罗斯在开始主办这届奥运会时,没有任何人向他提供一美分的经费,后来却竟然以惊人的创造力空手将这届奥运会办得壮观恢弘,而且还盈利2.5亿美元。以后,包括北京亚运会在内的一些大型国际体育赛事,基本都是按照尤伯罗斯模式办理的。 在这里,我们不是要对尤伯罗斯的事迹作一评估,只是对其获得成功的心理因素加以探讨,相信这样做会给人们,特别是会给各类组织的领导者一些启迪。
The 23rd Olympic Games was held in Los Angeles from July to August, 1984. The chairman of the Olympic Organizing Committee is the American youth Peter Victor Uberos. When U Bereros started hosting the Olympic Games, no one provided him with a cent of funds. Later, he unexpectedly managed to make the Olympic Games spectacular with incredible creativity and a profit of 250 million U.S. dollars. Since then, some major international sports events, including the Beijing Asian Games, have basically been handled in the Ueberosian mode. Here, we are not going to assess Uberos’ deeds only for the psychological reasons for its success. We believe this will give people, in particular, leaders of all kinds of organizations some enlightenment.