新理念的贯彻落实是一个新旧观念激烈碰撞的过程,本人试图通过对5-2=?算法是否要优化一波三折的过程。折射出一位一线教师学习新课标的成长历程。第一次教学片断描述(2002年9月13日) 我在上课伊始创设了一个小刺猬背苹果的情境,引导学生列出算式5-2。接下来就5-2=?进行算法探索,在这个过程中学生就5-2=?一共得出了五种算法,有看图直接数的,有掰手指的,有珠心算的,有推理的,还有用数的组成的。当学生得出五种方法后,我说: “刚才我们算5-2用了很多的方法。有的是看图数出来的,有的是掰手指算出来的,有的是用推理的,有的是用珠心算算出来的,也有的是用数的组成算出来的。这说明我们每一个小朋友都动了脑筋,这些方法都很好,老师感到非常高兴。但是老师要告诉大家,这种用数的组成来计算是最重要的方法,是以后学习其他知识的基础,所以我们每个人都要把这种方法学会。接下来让我们一起来学习这种方法好吗?”
The implementation of new ideas is a fierce collision of old and new concepts of the process, I tried to optimize the algorithm through 5-2 =? Reflects a front-line teacher learning a new curriculum standard course of development. The first teaching piece description (September 13, 2002) I started a small hedgehog backstroke situation at the beginning of class, to guide students to formula 5-2. The next 5-2 =? Algorithm to explore, in this process the students on 5-2 =? A total of five algorithms were obtained, there are direct pictures, there are breaking fingers, abacus, reasoning, There is also the composition of the number. When the students come up with five methods, I said: “We just used 5-2 a lot of methods, some are to figure out, some are calculated by breaking the fingers, and some reasoning, and some are calculated using the Zhu Xin , And some are calculated by the number of the composition.This shows that every one of us are moving brains, these methods are good, the teacher was very happy, but the teacher to tell you that the use of the composition of the count is the most The important way is to learn the basics of other knowledge in the future, so each of us should learn this method, and let's work together to learn this method alright? ”