2002年我国仅服装出口总额就达到411亿美元,占全球服装贸易总额的17.6%。服装作为人们“衣、食、住、行”之首,是一个极有发展前景的产业,据国务院发展中心提供的研究报告:该产业的效益仅次于信息行业。 另外,我国服装生产总量东部沿海地区占92.2%,中部地区占5.7%,而整个西部地区仅占2.1%。入世后,东部沿海地区将逐步失去劳动力与生产成本低廉的优势。传统劳动密集型行业将逐步向劳动力丰裕,生产成本相对低廉的中西部转移。因此,随着国家西部大开发战略的实施,在西部建立一个服装产业集群,正好迎合了这一战略构想。
In 2002, China’s total garment exports totaled 41.1 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 17.6% of the total global apparel trade. Clothing as a “clothing, food, shelter, transportation,” the first, is a very promising industry, according to the State Council Development Center research report: The industry’s efficiency is second only to the information industry. In addition, the total amount of garment production in the eastern coastal areas accounted for 92.2%, the central region accounted for 5.7%, while the entire western region accounted for only 2.1%. After the accession to the WTO, the eastern coastal areas will gradually lose the advantage of low labor costs and production costs. The traditional labor-intensive industries will gradually shift to the central and western regions where labor force is abundant and production costs are relatively low. Therefore, with the implementation of the national strategy for the great development of the western region, establishing a garment industry cluster in the west just meets this strategic concept.