SARS是一种新发的、由新型冠状病毒引起的呼吸系统传染性疾病 ,[1] 病情进展快 ,病死率较高 ,而且传染性极强 ,有医院和家庭聚集的特点。已有报告在发病人群中医院工作人员 ,尤其是医护人员占 2 0 %~ 30 %。[2 ] 为了解SARS定点医院的工作人员的感染情况 ,对地坛医院的医护人?
SARS is a newly acquired infectious disease of the respiratory system caused by a novel coronavirus. [1] The disease progresses rapidly with a high mortality rate and is extremely contagious and has the characteristics of hospital and family aggregation. It has been reported that hospital staff, especially healthcare workers, account for 20% -30% of the affected population. [2] In order to understand the infection of staff in SARS designated hospitals, to the doctors of Ditan Hospital?