有人认为西方科学主义思潮在社会大众中影响很小甚至没有影响。其实它“拒斥形而上学”的虚无主义、相对主义以及工具主义、多元主义、怀疑论、悲观主义等 ,对青年干部世界观的影响不仅很大而且还很深。实用主义在当代青年心目中的形象并不“坏”。但如果让它继续泛滥 ,在一定的政治条件下 ,它很可能是一种破坏力量。非理性主义思潮“热”已经降温 ,但作为一种精神危机的哲学 ,它的情绪基调——悲观主义 ,在某种气候下仍然有可能冒头。
Some people think that the trend of Western scientific thinking has little or no effect on the general public. In fact, its “rejection of metaphysics” nihilism, relativism and instrumentalism, pluralism, skepticism and pessimism have a great impact on the world outlook of young cadres. The image of pragmatism in contemporary youth is not “bad.” However, if it continues to spread, under certain political conditions, it is likely to be a destructive force. The “hot” of the irrationalist trend of thought has cooled down. However, as a philosophy of spiritual crisis, its emotional tone, pessimism, may still rise in some climate.