1生产概况我公司是西南地区最大的白水泥生产企业(1 000t/d)。2014年9月份点火试生产,11月份就实现达产达标。但白水泥市场比较小,只能发挥我公司50%的产能,为发挥剩余产能,根据市场情况,决定生产市场竞争比较小的硫铝酸盐水泥。硫铝酸盐水泥熟料的生产所需要的热耗低,且其易磨性好,因而是一种节能减排水泥。生料配料石灰石只需要45%左右,而原来的白水泥熟料需要82%左
1 production profile Our company is the largest white cement production enterprise in Southwest China (1 000 t / d). September 2014 ignition pilot production, in November to achieve production standards. However, the white cement market is relatively small, can only play 50% of our company’s production capacity, in order to play the remaining capacity, according to market conditions, the decision to produce less market competition sulphoaluminate cement. Sulphoaluminate cement clinker production needs low heat consumption, and its easy to wear, which is a kind of energy saving cement. Raw ingredients limestone only about 45%, while the original white cement clinker needs 82% left