Longitudinal associations of physical activity and pubertal development with academic achievement in

来源 :运动与健康科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flypig2
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Objective:We sought to investigate the longitudinal associations of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and pubertal development with academic achievement in adolescents.Methods:A total of 635 adolescents (283 boys, 352 girls) aged 11-13 years participated in the study. MVPA was assessed by the Health Behav-iour in School-aged Children study questionnaire, and pubertal development was assessed by the Pubertal Development Scale at beginning of the 6th grade (baseline) and end of the 7th grade (follow-up). Grade point average (GPA) at the end of Grades 5 and 7 was computed from data acquired from the school registers. The data were analyzed using linear regression and analyses of covariance.Results: In boys, MVPA was positively associated with GPA at baseline after adjustment for age (β=0.144, 95% confidence interval (CI):0.028-0.260, p=0.028). In girls, the Pubertal Development Scale was positively associated with GPA at baseline (β=0.104, 95%CI:-0.004 to 0.211, p=0.058) and follow-up (β=0.104, 95%CI:-0.002 to 0.211, p=0.055) after adjustment for age, and these associations strengthened after further adjustment for MVPA (p<0.05). Adolescents who were inactive at baseline or at baseline and follow-up had lower GPA during fol-low-up than their continuously highly active peers (mean difference=-0.301, 95%CI:-0.543 to-0.058, p=0.009) and all other adolescents (mean difference=-0.247, 95%CI:-0.475 to-0.019, p=0.029). These differences were greater in girls than in boys.Conclusion:Lower levels of MVPA were associated with lower GPA in boys at baseline. Girls who were continuously inactive had lower GPA over the follow-up period than those who were continuously active. Finally, earlier pubertal development was associated with better academic achievement in girls.
将多传感器对某一状态的测量结果分组 ,针对每组测量变量的算术平均值 ,依据极大似然原理 ,提出了多传感器分组加权融合算法 .通过对各组传感器测量值的方差进行估计 ,从而对每组传感器测量平均值的权值进行合理的分配 ,解决了在传感器和环境干扰未知情况下 ,加权融合算法中权系数如何确定的问题
中图分类号:G843 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2017)01-021-01  摘 要 足球运动一直受到全世界的广泛关注,在我国同样受到广泛的欢迎,但我国足球水平与世界一流水平仍然有着较大的差距。为了提高我国足球水平,建设高素质的足球人才队伍,足球运动逐渐走入到小学校园中。优化组合教学法在小学足球教学中的应用,有效的激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了小学足球教学的质量。  关键词 优化
Background:Evidence shows an association between grip strength and health;however, grip strength cut-offs for the detection of metabolic syn-drome (MetS) in Lat