1营养价值据测定,优质杨梅果肉的含糖量为12%~13%,含酸量为0.5%~1.1%,富含纤维素、矿质元素、维生素和一定量的蛋白质、脂肪、果胶及8种对人体有益的氨基酸,其果实中钙、磷、铁含量要高出其它水果10多倍。每100g杨梅的营养素含量:水分83.4~92.0g,热量28kCal,蛋白质0.8g,脂肪0.2g,碳水化合物5.7g,膳食纤维1g,果汁含糖量12~13g,含酸量0.5~1.8g,硫胺素10μg,核黄素50μg,烟酸0.3mg,视黄醇当量92μg,胡萝卜素0.3μg,维生素A 7μg,维生素C 9mg,
1 Nutritional Value According to the determination, high quality bayberry pulp sugar content of 12% to 13%, acid content of 0.5% to 1.1%, rich in cellulose, mineral elements, vitamins and a certain amount of protein, fat, pectin and Eight kinds of amino acids beneficial to human health, the fruit of calcium, phosphorus, iron content higher than other fruits 10 times. Per 100g bayberry nutrient content: moisture 83.4 ~ 92.0g, calories 28kCal, protein 0.8g, fat 0.2g, carbohydrate 5.7g, dietary fiber 1g, fruit juice sugar content 12 ~ 13g, acid content 0.5 ~ 1.8g, sulfur 10 μg of riboflavin, 50 μg of riboflavin, 0.3 mg of nicotinic acid, 92 μg of retinol equivalent, 0.3 μg of carotene, 7 μg of vitamin A, 9 mg of vitamin C,