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师爱应该是广义的。“你爱学生,不应仅爱你班的学生,还应该爱所有你教的或不教的学生。”这个道理很浅显,但说来惭愧,我真正懂得这个道理,是我的一个学生教的。那是几年前的一天,下班的时间已到,我还准备去班上走走,因为学生还有一节自习课。这时班长匆匆地来到办公室,喘着气说:“夏老师,初三的一个学生正在我们教室里,扬言要打汪列军。”我一听,有些气急了。初三的打初一的这还了得?我一边问“怎么回事”一边快速地往教室里赶。 Teacher love should be broad. “You love students, you should not only love the students in your class, you should also love all the students you teach or not.” This is a very simple truth, but to be honest, I really understand this truth, is a student of my teaching of. It was a day a few years ago. The time had come to finish work and I was ready to go to work because the students had a self-study class. At this time, the squad leader hurriedly came to the office and gasped, and said, “Ms Xia, a student from the third grade is in our classroom and threatened to beat Wang Lijun.” I heard it, and I was anxious. Did you get the first grade in the third grade? I asked “what’s going on” and quickly rushed to the classroom.
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