Friendship Activities in Brief

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  United Nations Public Service Day
  The CPAFFC sent a representative to participate in the celebration of the UN Public Service Day held at the UN Headquarters in New York on June 23. Ma Hairong accepted, on behalf of the CPAFFC, the certificate of honour of Excellence Service in Public bestowed upon the CPAFFC by the Friends of the United Nations and on behalf of CPAFFC Vice President Li Xiaolin, a certificate conferred upon the vice president jointly by the World Harmony Foundation, Friends of the United Nations and Mayors for Peace in recognition of her contribution and support of the UN Public Service Day Cultural Performance.
  The United Nations designated the Public Service Day with the purpose of recognizing the importance of democratic and effective governance to improving the efficiency of public service of the countries the world over. The United Nations has observed the Public Service Day four times up to this year. It hopes to raise people’s attention to the quality of public service provided by the government of their respective countries.
  COFA Vice President Chen Mingde and His Party Visit Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu
  Invited by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Papua New Guinea and the Chinese Embassy in Vanuatu, a 9-member delegation consisting of members of the China-Oceania Friendship Association (COFA) and entrepreneurs with Chen Mingde, vice chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association and vice president of the COFA, as the leader paid a visit to Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu from July 3 to 10. The delegation had extensive contact with officials of the political and business circles and local Chinese community of the two countries and made an in-depth study of the social and economic situation and the market, which enhanced mutual understanding and laid the foundation for future exchanges and cooperation.
  Delegation of Dietmen’s League for Japan-China Friendship Visits China
  Invited by the China-Japan Friendship Association (CJFA), a delegation of young members of the Dietmen’s League for Japan-China Friendship with Yoshimasa Hayashi, member of the Japanese House of Councillors, as the leader visited Beijing, Shenyang and Nanjing from July 4 to 9. State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan met with the delegation. Li Keqiang, secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Li Yuanchao, secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the CPC, exchanged views with the delegation on separate occasions. The delegation had a discussion on Sino-Japanese relations and youth exchange between the two countries with the teachers and students of the China Youth University for Political Sciences.
  Reception Marking Fifth Anniversary of Sino-Russian Good-Neighbourly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation
  The CPAFFC and the China-Russia Friendship Association (CRFA) gave a reception on the evening of July 14 to mark the 5th anniversary of the signing of the Sino-Russian Good-Neighbourly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation. About 100 people from both China and Russia attended it. Present from the Chinese side were Abdul’ahat Abdurixit, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; Chen Haosu, president of the CPAFFC and the CRFA; Li Hui, assistant foreign minister; Zhu Yuli, vice chairman of the Environment Protection and Resources Conservation Committee of the National People’s Congress and adviser to the CRFA; Liu Shu, executive vice president of the CRFA; Zhu Jiamu, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the CRFA; Bai Shuxiang, vice president of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the CRFA; Ambassador Wang Fengxiang, vice president of the CRFA; advisers and council members of the CRFA, and representatives of the departments of the central government and social groups. The chief Russian guests included Russian ambassador to China Sergey Razov, minister counsellor of the Russian Embassy Igor Morgulov, Russian trade representative to China Sergey Tsyplakov and other diplomats of the Russian Embassy in China. CPAFFC President Chen Haosu, Assistant Foreign Minister Li Hui and Ambassador Razov spoke at the reception.
  Delegation of Austria-China Association of Law Exchanges Visits China
  At the invitation of the CPAFFC, the delegation of the Austria-China Association of Law Exchanges (ACALE) headed by Dr. Hannes Jarolim, chairman of the Justice Committee of the Austrian National Council and president of the ACALE, paid a friendly visit to China from July 19 to 29. Members of the delegation included Dr. Harald Bisanz, vice president of the Austrian Law Society and president of the Vienna Lawyers Association, and personages of the Austrian judicial circles. The delegation visited Beijing, Shandong, Shanghai and Suzhou, called on the China Law Society, the All-China Lawyers’ Association and the Institute of Law Science under the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. Through the visit members of the delegation increased their understanding of China and the ACALE established links with relevant organizations in China, creating the basis and channels for exchanges and cooperation in law science and justice between the two countries in the future. (Wang Wei)
  China-Latin America Friendship Association Website Launched
  The launching ceremony of the China-Latin America Friendship Association (CLAFA) website ( was jointly held by the CPAFFC and the CLAFA at the Friendship Museum of the CPAFFC on July 24. Cheng Siwei, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and president of the CLAFA; Luis Guastavino Cordoba, president of the Latin American Organization of Governors; Fernando Reyes Matta, Chilean ambassador to China; Rodrigo Yepez Enriquez, Ecuadorian ambassador to China; and Carlos Bueno Gutierres, representative of the Office of Commercial Development of the Dominican Republic in China, attended the ceremony. CPAFFC Vice President Li Xiaolin said in her speech that the opening of the CLAFA website would serve as a new bridge linking China and Latin America and provide a platform of convenient and quick access for our Latin American friends who want to better understand China and carry out people-to-people friendship work.
  Datong Athletes Delegation Participates in International Youth Sports Festival in Bury of U.K.
  In late May, a delegation of 40 athletes under the age of 16 from Datong city, China, took part in the Fifteenth International Youth Sports Festival for friendship cities in Bury of Britain. They won 8 gold, 10 silver and 7 bronze medals in the track and field events, swimming, football, basketball and table tennis, and gave performances of gymnastics and martial arts. Over 600 teenage athletes from 8 cities of 7 countries: Britain, China, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal participated in this sports festival.
  Bury is the hub of communications and centre of business and trade of northwest England, which became the friendship city of Datong in 1991. The Datong government delegation, which came to England during the sports festival, met with the leading members of the Greater Manchester International Trade Centre Asia Pacific Development Office and the Sino-British Incubator, and representatives of the Manchester Investment and Development Company and Manchester: Knowledge Capital. The delegation held talks with the Bury Metropolitan Borough Council on promoting exchanges between the two cities in the fields of culture, education and sports and strengthening cooperation in economy, trade, science and technology.
  Li Wuzhang, vice mayor of Datong, and Kolin Phisweik, director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development of Bury, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Developing Economy and Trade and Science and Technology, which set a basis for Datong to expand its opening-up and attract business and investment from Britain and other EU countries through Bury the bridge of friendship. (Ni Yuan)
請你给下图中摆好的纸盘添画一些图案,看看能把它们变成什么吧。  难度系数:★★★★★
今天,佩奇和她的家人一起去游樂场。  “哼哼!滑,滑!”乔治咯咯地笑个不停。  “乔治想坐旋转滑梯。”猪爸爸说。  他和乔治跑向了旋转滑梯。
“一个人在家好好待着,千万不要出去,也不要给陌生人开门。”兔妈妈出门时反复对小兔子奇奇说。  奇奇今天下午又要一个人待在家里。奇奇的爸爸工作很忙,一大早就开着车去给森林商场送货了;兔媽妈要去奶奶家,照顾生病的奶奶。  “一个人在家怎么玩呢?”奇奇喃喃道。忽然,奇奇好像想到了什么。他把家里的花盆搬到了阳台上。花盆里的花枝长长的,花朵开得很艳:红的似火,粉的似霞,太漂亮了。  “嘿嘿,我要用它们来垂钓
玉米爷爷身体好,  大风吹来他不倒。  胡子眉毛随风飘,  太陽一出他就笑,  “嘿嘿嘿!哈哈哈!”  瞧他满嘴牙,  一颗也没掉!
比哪吒还厉害 姗姗 袁爱华  章鱼有8条高度灵敏的腕足,如果有東西触动了腕足,章鱼就会立刻喷射出类似墨汁的物质来掩藏自己。它是不是比哪吒还厉害?  神奇的腕足  章鱼身上的腕足使它可以在海底随意爬行。遇到猎物时,章鱼就用腕足上的吸盘将其牢牢吸住,然后再慢慢享用。
This year is the China Year in Austria. Scores of activities organized by the two sides have increased Austrian people’s understanding of China and deepened the friendship between the people of the tw
鸭子是家禽类卵生动物,它們的体形相对较小,颈短,有一些鸭子的嘴要大些。鸭子的腿位于身体后方,走起路来摇摇摆摆。鸭子的眼睛有360度视域,不用转头就可以看到身后。  鸭子是一种水、陆两栖动物,它们的羽毛上有油脂,因此入水时羽毛不会沾水。同时,它的羽毛很轻,所以能被水把整个身躯托起来,漂浮在水面上.但它们不能在水中待太久。
左、右兩幅图中有6处不同,请你找出来吧。  难度系数:★★★★★
小蜻蜓学会了飞,总想离开池塘,飞得远一点儿,再远一点儿。  他飞过一丛风铃花,飞过一片向日葵,外面的风景真美啊!  飞呀飞,小蜻蜓停到了一朵鸡冠花上。  咦,鸡冠花不停地颠呀颠。  啊,不是鸡冠花,是一只小公鸡,小蜻蜓不好意思地笑了。  飞呀飞,小蜻蜓停到了一根小树枝上。  咦,小树枝不停地抖呀抖。  啊,不是小树枝,是一只小花鹿。  飞呀飞,小蜻蜓停到了一颗大黑豆上。  黑豆黑黑的、亮亮的,一动
“当当当,当当当……”这天早晨,毛里镇警察局的大门被敲响了。“兔子侦探,我们的画作和书稿被偷走了一部分!”画家狮子先生和大作家獾先生急匆匆地走进来说。  镇里居然发生了失窃案,这还了得!  兔子侦探急忙跟随他们来到了案发现场。现场作案手法特别干净:书页裁剪得特别整齐;画也特别规则地割了下来,还被割成了面包形、苹果形等。  调查完后,兔子侦探就在毛里镇转悠开了。他专门往卖字画、卖图书的地方跑。  一