作者曾于1982~1984年间在比利时二所大学医院进修临床肾病。现根据二年中的见闻,将该国在终末期肾病的治疗现状简介如下。文中引用的数字均据欧洲透析移植协会(European Dialysis and Transplant As sociation, EDTA 1981年的统计资料)。 比利时全国有53个透析中心,对终末期肾病的治疗,包括医院或家庭血液透析,连续性活动性腹膜透析(Continuous ambulatoryperitoneal dialysis, CAPD)以及肾移植,均采用现代化治疗手段。 长期进行血液透析依然为治疗终末期肾病的主
The author studied clinical kidney disease at two university hospitals in Belgium from 1982 to 1984. Now according to two years of knowledge, the country in the treatment of end-stage renal disease status quo is as follows. The numbers quoted are based on the European Dialysis and Transplant As sociation (1981 1981 statistics). Fifty-three dialysis centers throughout Belgium have modernized therapies for end-stage renal disease including hospital or home hemodialysis, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), and renal transplantation. Long-term hemodialysis is still the main treatment for end-stage renal disease