【美国《核子周刊》 1 999年 1 0月 2 1日报道】 随着 1 0月中旬达成的收购佛扬基核电站的协议和最近 PECO公司 (持有 Amer-gen公司 5 0 %股份的控股人 )与联邦爱迪生公司达成的合并协议 ,Amergen公司正朝着在成立 5年内达到收购 2 0台核电机组的目标大步前进。Amergen公司击
According to the agreement reached in mid-October on the acquisition of the Fo Yang Foundation Nuclear Power Plant and the recent PECO Corporation (the controlling shareholder holding 50% of Amer-gen Co., Ltd.) ) Amalgamated with the federal company Edison, Amergen is making strides toward the goal of acquiring 20 nuclear power units within five years of its existence. Amergen company hit