恶性滋养细胞肿瘤 (malignanttrophoblastictumor,MTT)有远处转移的特性 ,肺转移在各器官受累中占 80 % ,肺转移的X线表现有多种 ,有结节状、粟粒状、甚至出现胸水、肺栓塞的表现。肺脏也是原发结核及再活动结核最容易受累的器官。MTT肺转移
Malignant trophoblastic tumor (MTT) has the characteristics of distant metastasis. Lung metastasis accounts for 80% of all organ involvement. There are many manifestations of X-ray of lung metastasis, such as nodular, miliary and even pleural effusion Embolic performance. The lungs are also the organs most vulnerable to primary and re-active tuberculosis. MTT lung metastases