【摘 要】
Electrochemical tests were undertaken to determine the optimum conditions in seawater for corrosion protection of friction stir-welded 5083-O Al alloy.Polarizat
【机 构】
Division of Maritime Transportation System,Mokpo Maritime University,Korea Register of Shipping,Divi
【出 处】
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
Electrochemical tests were undertaken to determine the optimum conditions in seawater for corrosion protection of friction stir-welded 5083-O Al alloy.Polarization trend observations show that the limiting potential that avoids the effects of hydrogen embrittlement is -1.6 V,corresponding to the crossover point between concentration polarization and activation polarization.However,the optimum protection potential is between -1.5 and -0.7 V since the current density at these values is low in the potentiostatic tests.When a galvanic cell is formed in the seawater,the welds exhibit electrochemically stable trends.Welded parts in galvanic tests with various area ratios are stable and have excellent anticorrosion characteristics.
Electrochemical tests were undertaken to determine the optimum conditions in seawater for corrosion protection of friction stir-welded 5083-O Al alloy. Polarization trend observations show that the limiting potential that avoids the effects of hydrogen embrittlement is -1.6 V, corresponding to the crossover point between concentration polarization and activation polarization. Even, the optimum protection potential is between -1.5 and -0.7 V since the current density at these values is low in the potentiostatic tests. When a galvanic cell is formed in the seawater, the welds exhibit electrochemically stable trends.Welded parts in galvanic tests with various area ratios are stable and have excellent anticorrosion characteristics.
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本刊讯(记者李志明)在近期召开的全国重大项目稽察工作会议上,国家发展和改革委员会副主任穆虹指出,重大项目稽察系统全面贯彻中央经济会议精神,为进一步做好扩大内需中央投资项目工作做出了重要贡献。 穆虹指出,2008年下半年以来,针对国际金融危机严重冲击,中央及时果断调整宏观经济政策,全面实施包括大规模增加中央投资带动4万亿元投资在内的应对国际金融危机一揽子计划。国家发改委会同有关部门先后下达了4批共
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