
来源 :中国国境卫生检疫杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuang_3210
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目的了解上海空港口岸公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生状况,进一步提升口岸卫生监督效能。方法采用现场调查方法对上海空港口岸内使用集中空调通风系统的公共场所空调通风系统卫生管理情况进行调查,并对部分场所污染情况进行卫生检测。结果上海空港口岸公共场所集中空调卫生通风系统冷却水及冷凝水全部合格,个别场所微生物污染较严重,部分公共场所集中空调从未开展过风管清洗工作,一些公共场所卫生管理存在误区,自律意识较差,国境口岸公共场所集中空调卫生监督管理工作亟待规范。结论应尽快建立健全国境口岸公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生监督法制环境,制定监督规范及技术标准。引导企业加强自律,严格落实卫生管理,逐步提高上海空港口岸公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生管理水平,维护口岸卫生安全。 Objective To understand the sanitary condition of centralized air conditioning and ventilation system in public places in Shanghai Airport Port and to further enhance the effectiveness of port health supervision. Methods The method of on-site investigation was used to investigate the hygienic management of air-conditioning and ventilation systems in public places using centralized air-conditioning and ventilation systems in Shanghai airport ports and the sanitary inspection of some places. Results The air conditioning and sanitation ventilation systems in public places in Shanghai airport ports were all qualified for cooling water and condensate. The microbial contamination in some places was more serious. Some air-conditioners in public places had never carried out duct cleaning work. Some public health administrations had misunderstandings and self-discipline awareness Poor, centralized control of air conditioning in public places at border crossings urgently need to be regulated. Conclusion As soon as possible to establish and improve the legal environment for health supervision of centralized air-conditioning and ventilation systems in public places at border crossings and to establish supervision norms and technical standards. Guide enterprises to strengthen self-discipline, strictly implement the health management, and gradually improve the sanitation management of centralized air-conditioning and ventilation systems in public places in Shanghai airport ports to maintain the port health and safety.
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