Penile malignant lymphoma is rare and is now reported in 1 case. The patient was 34 years old, and on June 17, 1989, the painless mass of the penis grew rapidly and there was no difficulty in urinating for 2 months before admission. Past history, 2 years ago, the patient had a right locking mass, approximately 4 x 6 cm, fixed. Pathological examination revealed: malignant lymphoma B-small lymphocyte type. The clinical diagnosis of malignant lymphoma IVA, line Doppler field local radiotherapy, dose 30Gy, plus systemic chemotherapy, CHOP program, total VCR3mg, CTX2.0g, Pingyangmycin 20mg, pine 420mg, while adding VP-16200mg , DDP20mg, doxorubicin 30mg, disappearance of the tumor, efficacy CR, no recurrence. Physical examination: chest X-ray (-), B-abdomen (-), no superficial lymphadenopathy. Penis on the back of a tumor, about 4 × 4 × 3cm, unclear, hard, normal skin without ulceration, bilateral normal testes. Preoperative consideration of secondary penile lymphoma with extensive local resection of the tumor