将于3月中旬到北京担任中国证监会副主席的史美伦女士2月21日在接受新华社记者采访时表示,能参与内地证券市场的改革工作,感到非常荣幸。她希望与中国证监会的同事一道,为推进市场监管工作做出努力。 史美伦女士表示,中国的证券市场成立了10多年,发展得非常快,速度惊人,有很多问题是一般新兴市场都会碰到的,香港的市场也经历过
In an interview with Xinhua News Agency on February 21, Ms. Shi Meilun, who will serve as vice chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission in mid-March, said that she was honored to participate in the reform of the securities market in the Mainland. She hopes to work with colleagues in China Securities Regulatory Commission to promote market supervision. Ms. Shi Meilun said that the securities market in China has been established for over 10 years and has developed very rapidly and at an alarming rate. Many problems have been encountered in emerging markets in general and the Hong Kong market has also experienced