A Study on English Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Primary School Students

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  Abstract:A language is made up of pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar.Vocabulary is the core of language learning and the basic building material of a language.Without words,no matter how well one learns grammar and pronunciation,he is unable to express his feelings,viewpoints and ideas.This study will provide some parts of the vocabulary learning strategies.And give some suggestions for teachers about how to use vocabulary learning strategies.
  Key words:vocabulary;English;primary school
  It is universally acknowledged that the mastery of vocabulary is a fundamental component in learning English.And lack of sufficient vocabulary will ultimately affect people’s understanding and communication of the language.However,vocabulary is also considered to be the most difficult part language for a learner to grasp.Thus to develop a large vocabulary quickly and efficiently so as to acquire proficiency in English becomes the first concern of every EFL learner.Learning strategies play significant roles in the acquisition of a language.“Strategies are tools for active,self-directed involvement and those learners who have developed appropriate learning strategies have greater self-confidence and learn more effectively”(Oxford,1990,p.28).The study of vocabulary learning strategies,part of learning strategies,specifies on how to learn vocabulary.
  2.Vocabulary Learning Strategies
  2.1 The Definitions of Vocabulary Learning Strategies
  Hatch(2001)defines vocabulary as the term vocabulary refers to a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or a set of words that individual speakers of a language might use.In short,vocabulary learning strategies refer to approaches,techniques,specific actions and behaviors and learner employ the learning strategies to facilitate their vocabulary learning both consciously and unconsciously.
  2.2 Suggestions for Teachers to Improve Vocabulary Learning Strategies
  2.2.1 Understanding and Accepting Gender Differences
  In the process of EFL learning,gender differences in language learning styles exist objectively.Not only teachers but also students themselves should have a correct understanding of the phenomenon.Teachers should respect and accept that and find out in which aspects there are difference.Teachers should also try reminding students of the gender factors in their language learning process,providing some learning style knowledge and measurement like Style Analysis Survey to help students to be clear about their own learning styles and gender differences.   2.2.2 Using Visual Aids
  Many teachers during their years of teaching build up a library of pictures;these may include wall charts,commercially-produced flashcards,home-made magazine picture flashcards,hand-drawn pictures,and of course illustrations from course books and supplementary books.These aids can be used for presentation,practice,revision and testing.
  2.2.3 Using Speaking Activities
  Firstly,teachers can use role play.In this activity,teachers can teach students some new words in one situation.Then make students take these words to organize a role play.Secondly,narrative is also useful.Teachers select a group of items you wish to practice or revise and draw them on small pieces of card.Divide the class into small groups,and give each group six card.Make sure they do not show their pictures to the other groups.Each group must then construct a narrative that will include all the items they have been given.
  3.The Good Language Learner
  Good language learners treat language as a system by making effective crosslingual comparisons,analyzing the target language and using reference book.Their strategies may be their learning habits formed in common life.Good language learners can copy effectively with the emotional and motivational problems of language learning.Classroom learning as well as immersion in the target language environment each entails specific affective problems.
  Most of foreign language learners agree that vocabulary plays a very important role in language learning and one of the most headaches in language learning is memorizing the vocabulary of the language.The main benefit gained from vocabulary learning strategies is the fact that they enable learners to take more control of their own learning so that students can take more responsibility for their studies.Strategies themselves are not inherently good or bad,but have the potential to be used effectively(Cohen,1998).Vocabulary learning strategies are so important in primary school language learning that they are really worthy of the language teachers’ and language learners’ attention.
  [1]Cohen,A.D.(1998).Strategies in learning and using second language.London and New York:Longman.
  [2]Hatch,E & Brown,C.(2001).Vocabulary,semantics and language education.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  [3]Oxford,R.(1990).Language learning strategies:What Every Teacher Should Know.Boston:Heinle and Heinle Publishers.
摘要:联合国教育十年启动,教科文组织在组织指导、项目推进和教育议题等方面成功地推动了可持续发展教育的世界行动。本文即从以上三个方面作简要的总结。  关键词:可持续发展;教育;世界行动  1.可持续发展教育——组织指导  各国、各地区可持续发展教育的发展和深入,离不开联合国教科文组织及各区域组织的积极协作和不懈努力。可持续发展教育与国际社会进行的可持续发展讨论密切相关。尤其是联合国教育十年发布以来,
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摘要:“兴趣是最好的老师”。物理教师要不断探索新的教学方法,适时、适地、适人的创设多种能激发学生学习兴趣的教学情景和方法,提高学生学习物理知识的水平,为培养优秀的物理人才打下基础.  关键词:情境;兴趣;创设  在初中物理教学中,要使学生学好物理这一学科,教师应充分利用学生和物理知识的特点,有效地培养学生的学习兴趣,使学生在兴趣中求学,从兴趣中提高。本文结合自己的教学实践,谈谈在物理教学中应如何创
当今社会,家长们认为,小孩子总要学那么一点点特长,所以,在很小的时候,就给他们报了这样那样的特长班,国画就是其一,国画一词起源于汉代,汉朝人认为中国是居天地之中者,所以称为中国,将中国的绘画称为“中国画”,简称“国画”。国画是汉族的传统绘画形式,是用毛笔蘸水、墨、彩作画于绢或纸上。水与墨自然是必备的,怎样运用好这两样基本的材料,是我们小学国画的关键。  一、学工笔,定耐心  学习国画,是一件比较枯
摘要:随着我国对教育的不断改革,我国小学语文的教育得到了很大的提高。但是,由于受到多种因素的影响,很多城市和地区并没有从真正意义上达到基于语文的课程标准进行教学,还存在很多问题。因此,小学语文课堂的教学还有待于进一步加强和提高。本文主要是通过借鉴相关文献和资料来具体分析我国当前小学语文教学存在的问题,同时也提出了相关解决对策及建议。  关键词:小学语文;教学现状;对策  语文在素质教育中占据一席之
摘要:在体育教学中,实施素质教育必然对体育教师教学能力及自身素質提出更高要求,本文主要从体育教师必须具有广博的科学知识,具备扎实的语言功底,正确的技术动作示范和科学的教学管理能力等基本素质以及体育教师在素质教育中应具有强烈的事业心,应把德育教育贯彻教学始终、不断提高业务水平等几个方面进行了探讨。  关键词:体育教师;素质教育;必备素质  随着当前教育改革的不断深入与发展,素质教育已成为时代的主导和
高三总复习是巩固基础、优化思维、提高能力的重要阶段,高三化学总复习的效果将直接影响高考成绩。为了使高三化学总复习有良好的效果,并让学生顺利度过这一重要时期,为此我们高三化学备课组走出去引进来,广泛学习兄弟学校的经验,集全校化学教研组老师智慧对高三复习制定了详细的计划,根据各个不同阶段使用不同的教学策略和训练方式。在整个复习过程中着重注意以下几个方面:  一、研究信息,看准方向  怎样着手进行化学总