水利部于2003年10月27~29日在上海召开了“全国水利信息化工作会议暨国家防汛抗旱指挥系统工程建设工作会议”,全国各省(自治区、直辖市、计划单列市)水利厅(局)、流域委的主管、分管领导及会议代表共185人参加了会议。会议由水利部鄂竞平副部长主持,汪恕诚部长做了书面讲话,索丽生副部长在会上做了《抓住机遇 明确目标 全面加快水利信息化建设步伐》的工作报告,国务院信息办杨学山
The Ministry of Water Resources held “National Water Conservancy Informatization Conference and National Flood Control and Drought Relief Work Conference” in Shanghai from October 27 to October 2003. Water Conservancy Department (Bureau) of all provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities under separate state planning) , A total of 185 people in charge of river basin commissions, leaders in charge and representatives of the conference attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Vice Minister E Jing-ping of the Ministry of Water Resources and Minister Wang Shucheng made a written speech. Vice Minister Su Lisheng made a work report on “Seizing the Opportunity, Having a Clear Objective and Speeding up the pace of Water Conservancy Construction” at the meeting. State Council Information Office Yang Xue-shan