Soil Organic Carbon Stocks of Citrus Orchards in Yongchun County, Fujian Province, China

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Studies related to the quantitation and distribution of soil organic carbon(C) under different land use types can help to fill the knowledge gaps regarding estimation of the amount of C stored in soils at a global scale. Orchards are an important land use type in southern China; the total area(1.15 × 10~7 ha) of orchards in China comprises approximately 20.5% of the area of all orchards worldwide. We assessed soil organic C stocks(SOCS) in citrus orchards in Yongchun County(consisting of 22 towns), Fujian Province,China in 1982 and 2010. The southeastern part of the county, an area featuring extensive citrus farming with a gently sloping landscape and low rates of water erosion, had the highest SOCS. In contrast, the lowest SCOS was observed in the northern part of the county,where steep hills with severe erosion problems are common and citrus orchards are sparsely distributed. From 1982 to 2010, the mean SOCS in citrus orchards increased from 22.1 to 41.7 Mg ha~(-1), which indicated that current management practices such as fertilization,irrigation, and cultivation enhanced soil C stocks. Further in-depth studies on the effects of these practices on C sequestration would be worthwhile and surveys of SOCS throughout Fujian Province are needed, to support efforts to mitigate global C emission. Studies related to the quantitation and distribution of soil organic carbon (C) under different land use types can help to fill the knowledge gaps regarding estimation of the amount of C stored in soils at a global scale. Orchards are an important land use type in southern China; the total area (1.15 × 10 ~ 7 ha) of orchards in China consisting about 20.5% of the area of ​​all orchards worldwide. , Fujian Province, China in 1982 and 2010. The southeastern part of the county, an area featuring extensive citrus farming with a gentle sloping landscape and low rates of water erosion, had the highest SOCS. In contrast, the lowest SCOS was observed in the northern part of the county, where steep hills with severe erosion problems are common and citrus orchards are sparsely distributed. From 1982 to 2010, the mean SOCS in citrus orchards increased from 22.1 to 41.7 Mg ha -1, which that current management practices such as fertilization, irrigation, and cultivation enhanced soil C stocks. Further in-depth studies on the effects of these practices on C sequestration would be worthwhile and surveys of SOCS throughout Fujian Province are needed, to support efforts to mitigate global C emission.
一、初中数学教师应讲点数学史  中华民族有着悠久的历史,中国的先人曾经创造了灿烂的古代文明,中国科技(包括数学科学)曾在世界上处于遥遥领先地位.  在数学教学过程中,教师适时地向学生介绍一些数学史材料,可以激发起学生的民族自豪感,从而焕发出为祖国刻苦学习、为振兴中华而献身的原动力.    二、帮助他们树立起学习数学的  信心  因为不少学生在小学时数学就不是很好,加上听信道听途说,讲学习数学如何困