A 1:1 case-control study of 390 patients with lung cancer in Guangdong Province was conducted to compare risk factors for lung cancer of different genders and different pathological types. The prevalence, pathological types, and risk factors of female lung cancer are not the same as those of male lung cancer. 291 male lung cancers were more common in lung squamous cell carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma: adenocarcinoma=1:0.5), 99 lung cancers were female lung adenocarcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma: adenocarcinoma=1:2.7); female lung cancer The age at diagnosis was significantly smaller than that of men (P<0.0001). Univariate Lagistic regression analysis found that family history of cancer, family history of lung cancer, history of chronic bronchitis/emphysema, history of tuberculosis, history of other lung diseases, smoking, passive smoking in the family, passive work environment smoking, professional drivers, oral contraceptives, and eating Acid pickles and other factors were associated with lung cancer (P<0.05); Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed history of pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis/emphysema, family history of oncology, smoking, passive smoking in the family, passive smoking in the workplace, and eating Pickle is an independent risk factor for lung cancer; log-linear model analysis confirmed that lung cancer has a significant interaction with chronic bronchitis/emphysema, passive smoking, history of tuberculosis, and smoking. Only 1/5 of women with lung cancer have a history of smoking, but 93% of women with lung cancer have a history of passive smoking. Passive smoking is one of the important risk factors for women with lung cancer. Family history of lung cancer and oral contraceptives are associated with female lung cancer to some extent. In addition to the weak link between lung adenocarcinoma and the history of chronic bronchitis/emphysema, the relationship with other risk factors has not been confirmed.