一、木结构的可燃性 木结构可燃是尽人皆知的。木材的燃点较低(250℃—300℃),在有明火的情况下,着火点可降低到157℃,或辐射热为0.3卡/厘米~2就可引起燃烧。干燥的木材辐射热0.8卡厘米~2即自燃。木材的燃烧热值为1700~3500千卡/公斤,比汽油一类易燃物质低一些,但凡应用木材的场所,木材的数量都较大,一旦着火燃烧,放出的热量就大得惊人。加之木结构通常都使用油漆作表面涂敷,进行装饰和保护。油漆的组成物质大多是易
First, the flammable wood structure Flammable wood structure is well known. The burning point of wood is low (250 ℃ -300 ℃), in the case of open flame, the ignition point can be reduced to 157 ℃, or radiant heat of 0.3 cal / cm ~ 2 can cause burning. Dry wood radiation heat 0.8 calories ~ 2 that is spontaneous combustion. The calorific value of wood burning is 1700 ~ 3500 kcal / kg, which is a little lower than flammable substances such as gasoline. However, where the wood is used, the quantity of wood is large. Once the fire burns, the heat released is staggering. In addition, the wood structure is usually used for paint surface coating, decoration and protection. The composition of paint is mostly easy