《说文》:“氏,巴蜀名山岸胁之旁箸欲落(土隋)者,曰氏。氏崩,声闻数百里。象形,声。”意思是:氏字是巴蜀一带叫山岸边附箸的、样子象要堕落的岩块做氏。这样的“氏”一崩塌,响声传到数百里之外。 由“氏”的“旁附”引申“支系”,引申为“姓氏”的“氏”。当母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会过渡、母权向父权过渡时,女子嫁到男方,为了区别甲父系氏族和乙父系氏族,就产生了“氏”。“姓”,表示同出一始祖母;“氏”,是姓的支系。到氏族社会解体时,“氏”就演变成了古代贵族
“Said the text”: “’s, Bashu mountains and rivers threatened next fall (soil Sui) who say’ s collapse, heard hundreds of hieroglyphs.” Appendages on the shore, like the fallen rock to do. Such “clan” collapsed, the sound spread to hundreds of miles away. The “clan” extended by the “annex” to “clan” and the “clan” extended to “surname”. When matriarchal clan society to patriarchal clan society transition, motherhood to patriarchal transition, the woman married to the man, in order to distinguish clan patriarchal clan and clan B clan, it produced “clan.” “Surname”, said with the same grandmother; “s”, is the surname of the branch. When the clan society broke up, “clan” evolved into an ancient aristocracy