
来源 :林业机械与木工设备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:drhxumingzhu
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在日本、美国等发达国家,农业人口较少,随着农业生产的规模化、多样化、精确化,劳动力不足的现象越来越明显。许多作业项目,如蔬菜、水果的挑选与采摘,蔬菜的嫁接等,都是劳动力密集型的工作,再加上时令的要求,劳动力问题很难解决。正是基于这种情况,农林业机器人应运而生。使用机器人有很多好处,比如,可以提高劳动生产率,解决劳动力的不足;改善农业的生产环境,防止农药、化肥等对人体的危害;提高作业质量等。而随着信息化时代的到来和设施农业、精确农业的出现,一向被视为落后的农业生产方式也必将乘上现代化的快车,而农业的新发展尤其离不开生物工程与信息化,在这方面,机器人具有得天独厚的能力。 In Japan, the United States and other developed countries, the agricultural population is small. With the large-scale, diversified and precise agricultural production, labor shortage is more and more obvious. Many homework items, such as vegetables, fruit picking and picking, grafting of vegetables, are labor-intensive jobs, combined with seasonal demands, and labor issues are hard to solve. It is precisely because of this situation that agricultural and forestry robots came into being. The use of robots has many benefits, for example, it can improve labor productivity, solve the labor shortage, improve the agricultural production environment, prevent pesticides, fertilizers and other hazards to the human body, and improve the quality of operations. With the advent of the information age and the emergence of facility agriculture and precision agriculture, the agricultural production methods that have always been regarded as outdated are bound to multiply in the modern express train. In particular, the new development of agriculture can not be separated from bioengineering and informatization, In this regard, robots have unique capabilities.
创伤失血性休克及其并发症是现代战创伤的主要死亡原因。非控制性失血性休克(uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock,UHS)现代战创伤休克的主要类型。液体复苏是休克早期救治的重要