今年6月我们对东邻日本的水利进行了10天的考察。耳闻目睹,很受启发。现将日本水利值得学习和借鉴之处,简介如下。 今天日本的水利,已由传统水利进入了现代水利。水资源开发程度很高,兴利除害能力很强,工程设计施工很精,行业经营管理很好。 治水、兴水、亲水三者结合。日本遵循水利自身的客观规律,正确处理水利与人的关系,兴水利,除水
In June this year, we conducted a 10-day inspection of the water resources in the east of Japan. Heard and witnessed, very inspired. Now Japan’s water conservancy worth learning and reference, briefings are as follows. Today, Japan’s water conservancy has entered the modern water conservancy from the traditional water conservancy. High degree of development of water resources, a strong ability to eliminate harmful detriment, engineering design and construction is very fine, good business management. Water treatment, water, hydrophilic three combined. Japan obeys the objective law of water conservancy and correctly handles the relationship between water conservancy and human beings,