
来源 :新课程(小学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shanian
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小学是学生学习的初级阶段,在这一时间段里不仅要重视对学生科学文化知识的教授,同时还要注重对其思想品德以及情感的培养。发展学生的美好情感,塑造其完美人格是小学阶段德育的重要内容之一,只有重视学生的情商培养,才能促进学生健康成长,使之更好地适应社会生活。对此,就小学阶段如何通过德育课程培养学生较高的情商,使其形成良好的品质、健康的人格展开讨论。 Primary school is the primary stage of student learning, during this time not only to pay attention to the students knowledge of science and culture professor, but also pay attention to their ideological and moral and emotional training. Developing good emotion of students and shaping their perfect personality are one of the important contents of moral education in primary school. Only by paying attention to students ’EQ training, can students’ healthy growth be better adapted to social life. In this regard, on the primary stage of moral education through students how to cultivate a higher emotional quotient, to form a good quality, healthy personality to discuss.