了解21世纪全球经济,特别是中国经济的发展趋势,对于我们综揽全局,高屋建瓴,有针对性地做好工作,保持国民经济发展,促进社会全面进步,有着非常重要的意义。 由张昌法教授主编,广东人民出版社出版的《21世纪全球经济大走势》一书,是我们了解21世纪世界经济和中国经济发展前景的一本好书。全书共分13章,前4章论述了资本主义经济体制演变的趋向;社会主义经济体制变革的趋向;独联体和中东欧国家经济体制变
Understanding the development trend of the global economy in the 21st century, especially the Chinese economy, is of great significance to our overall situation, building a stable home, doing a good job in a targeted manner, maintaining the national economic development and promoting all-round social progress. The book “The Great Trend of Global Economy in the 21st Century”, edited by Professor Zhang Changfa and published by Guangdong People’s Publishing House, is a good book for us to understand the world economy in the 21st century and the prospect of China’s economic development. The book is divided into 13 chapters, the first four chapters discusses the evolution of the capitalist economic system, the trend of socialist economic system reform, the Commonwealth of Independent States and Central and Eastern European countries, the economic system changes