第四届凤凰杯“咱们中国人”全国摄影大赛评选揭晓,我的《赛场英姿》(见本期第14页彩页)荣获二等奖,《泼水节之歌》和《打倒黑哨》(见本期第18页彩页)获优秀奖。衷心感谢主办单位给我参加比赛的机会,有幸获奖得到一笔生活费;再有就是和一部分影友说一句:多拍“咱们中国人”。 摄影创作的路子很多,由于时间和经济条件的限制,
The 4th Phoenix Cup “Let’s Chinese” National Photography Contest was announced. My “Champion” (see page 14 of this issue) won the second prize, “Song of Songkran” and “Downcast” (see This page 18 color pages) won the Excellence Award. I sincerely thank the organizers for giving me the opportunity to participate in the competition, fortunate enough to receive a prize for living expenses; then there is part of the film friends and said: multi-shot “Let’s Chinese.” Many ways of photography creation, due to the constraints of time and economic conditions,