Metaphor and Translation

来源 :当代文化与教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:NK123456
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  Abstract: Metaphor is a way of thinking by which we get to know the world. It is a figurative language that is different from the literal language. With the features presented in various forms, metaphor has found pervasive applications in advertisement. In this paper, an analysis will be carried out on the metaphors in the advertisement as well as the translation methods by taking some ads as examples. Attaching importance to the metaphors in ads would help improve the applied-Englishtranslation and the export and import of goods.
  Key words: metaphor;translation; advertisement
摘 要:班主任的工作对象是有思想、有自尊心的学生。实践证明,要做好班级工作,必须从了解和研究学生着手。了解和研究学生,包括了解学生个体和集体两个方面。班主任需要了解和研究学生个体的思想品质、学业成绩、兴趣爱好、特长、性格特征、成长经历以及家庭情况、社会环境等等。对学生个体进行综合了解、全面分析就能够了解学生集体。从而加强了对班级的管理。  关键词:自尊心;观察;环境;研究学生  中图分类号:G63
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