2002年5月3日,法国在法属圭亚那库鲁航天中心用阿里安-4火箭将SPOT-5遥感卫星发射升空。 SPOT—5卫星质量为3030kg,比SPOT—4(2755kg)重,设计寿命5年。与前4颗SPOT卫星相比,SPOT—5卫星有较大改进,并携带有新的仪器设备。其中包括:1)高分辨率立体成像仪,这是新增加的最重要的仪器设备,它能同时获取两幅图像,因此可用于制作更为精确的
On 3 May 2002, France launched a SPOT-5 remote sensing satellite launch using the Arian-4 rocket at the Kourou Aerospace Center in French Guiana. SPOT-5 satellite mass of 3030kg, SPOT-4 (2755kg) weight, design life of 5 years. Compared with the first four SPOT satellites, the SPOT-5 satellite has been greatly improved with new equipment. These include: 1) High-resolution stereoscopic imager, the most important addition to new equipment that can capture both images at the same time and can therefore be used to make more accurate