近十几年来,对新疆近代史的研究不断深入,形势喜人。但在对新疆近代农民起义的研究中,许多本来并不难解决的问题成为旷目持久的争论焦点。如:某些论文观点把二十世纪30年代在新疆哈密爆发的农民起义说成“对当时新疆社会、人力、物力的严重破坏”和“阻碍了历史的进步”等等。为此笔者对哈密农民起义爆发的原因及其起义性质问题想谈几句。 哈密农民起义爆发的原因 在辛亥革命影响下二十世纪三十年代爆发的的新疆哈密农民武装起义,与全国一样,同样有它的胜利和
In recent ten years, the study of modern history in Xinjiang has been deepening and the situation is gratifying. However, in the study of modern peasant uprisings in Xinjiang, many problems that were not yet difficult to solve have become the focus of controversial debates. For example, some of the thesis points to describing the peasant uprising erupted in Hami in Xinjiang in the 1930s as “the serious destruction of social, human and material resources in Xinjiang at that time” and “hindering the progress of history.” To this end, I want to talk about the reasons for the outbreak of the peasant uprising in Hami and the nature of its insurrection. The reasons for the outbreak of the peasant uprising in Hami The armed uprising of the Hami farmers in Xinjiang under the influence of the 1911 Revolution that erupted in the 1930s has the same victory as the entire country