摘 要: 学生从小学低年级开始接触英语,但学习数十年,要么羞于开口,要么一开口就是“洋泾浜”。一段百来字的英语作文状况百出,有的满篇尽是Chinglish,更不用提时态和语病。究其原因,作者认为Chinglish的根源在于传统的英语授课法:教师讲,学生听,教师注重教学的完整性,关注教学重难点的教学,很少留时间给学生自主思考。久而久之,学生养成了惰性,很少积极主动发表自己的观点,更不用说用英语思维来思考问题、表达看法,成就了典型的“一言堂”。本文立足教学细节谈一谈如何在细节中培养学生的英语思维能力。
关键词: 英语思维 英语教学 培养能力 细节
英语思维的培养不仅仅局限于教材内容,平时的完形、阅读、任务型的讲评也是一个很好的契机。讲评时我喜欢先用英语作一个故事梗概,這样做的目的是使学生“暴露”在英语情境中,并且适当停顿问一问学生“and then,what happens?”慢慢地使每个学生都参与进来,让同学们开动思维一起帮我把故事复述完整。
例如一次考试中有一篇阅读,我是这样处理的:The passage tells us the author’s father,who worked hard, studied hard either to?摇 ?摇?摇?摇(这里教师停顿一下,无声地向学生发出求助指令,旨在使学生开动脑筋,发散思维,找到问题答案并用英语恰如其分地表达出来。果然,学生经过思考,七嘴八舌地回答:①support a big family,②get a promotion,③get a better paid job.)教师对学生的回答全盘肯定,接着往下叙述:In order to achieve his goal, he sacrificed his time with his family members. One day, he fulfilled his dream and decided to enjoy his life with his family members, but he just can’t make it. Because?(教师再次中断叙述,这次学生自然而然地接下去: he died ;he passed away.)我肯定他们的回答,但接着抛出一个问题,“How do you know the father is dead?”学生稍一思索,齐声答道“because he didn’t wake up the next day”教师:“Great! you got it.‘didn’t wake up’is an euphemism for‘die ’or‘pass away’.”然后,教师引导学生看第68题(学生的错误率很高,很多同学选D),边引导边启发,使学生身临其境,主动思维,大胆提出自己的看法和感受。例子如下:
68.What do the family feel when father didn’t wake up the next day?
A.Thank to God,father could have a good rest.
B.They should have stopped father from working so hard.
C.They are glad Father can stay at home.
D.There is no point working hard.
教师:Now that we know“my father didn’t wake up the next morning”just means the father died the next day. Please put your feet in the family’s shoes—suppose you were the family,what would you feel when the father,the bread-owner passed away?
教师:Yes,our first reaction would be sad,and meanwhile ,we would feel regretful that we should have stopped father working that hard,do you think so?
学生:It sounds reasonable, but how to explain D?
教师:In my opinion,the family’s first feeling is sad and regretful,and maybe later,when they calmed down,they would feel there is no point working that hard. life is short,we should treasure the time with our family members.Do my answer satisfy you?
在平时的教学中,以上现象经常出现。除了把同学们不明白的地方讲透彻之外,我还十分注重在点滴细节上培养学生的英语思维能力。有时会要求学生就上下文语境推测某个生词的意思;有时提请学生注意美文佳句,并停下来跟学生一起分析欣赏。又例如:有一篇完形讲的是作者的哥哥在第一次世界大战中要去部队服役,当人们在火车站给士兵送行时,部队接到命令解散,因为战争结束了。作者看到人群一片混乱,稍后hear a man’s voice bark orders to the soldiers to turn around,queue up and march back along the street...在这里,我觉得“bark orders”这个“bark”用得特别生动形象,符合军人说话的方式,有学生情不自禁想到军训时,教官也是这样“bark orders”,会意地笑了。同时,由于环境嘈杂,用bark实在是比shout,yell来得更贴切。
[1]Robert J. Sternberg和Louise Spear-Swerling.思维教学.中国轻工业出版社,2002.
关键词: 英语思维 英语教学 培养能力 细节
英语思维的培养不仅仅局限于教材内容,平时的完形、阅读、任务型的讲评也是一个很好的契机。讲评时我喜欢先用英语作一个故事梗概,這样做的目的是使学生“暴露”在英语情境中,并且适当停顿问一问学生“and then,what happens?”慢慢地使每个学生都参与进来,让同学们开动思维一起帮我把故事复述完整。
例如一次考试中有一篇阅读,我是这样处理的:The passage tells us the author’s father,who worked hard, studied hard either to?摇 ?摇?摇?摇(这里教师停顿一下,无声地向学生发出求助指令,旨在使学生开动脑筋,发散思维,找到问题答案并用英语恰如其分地表达出来。果然,学生经过思考,七嘴八舌地回答:①support a big family,②get a promotion,③get a better paid job.)教师对学生的回答全盘肯定,接着往下叙述:In order to achieve his goal, he sacrificed his time with his family members. One day, he fulfilled his dream and decided to enjoy his life with his family members, but he just can’t make it. Because?(教师再次中断叙述,这次学生自然而然地接下去: he died ;he passed away.)我肯定他们的回答,但接着抛出一个问题,“How do you know the father is dead?”学生稍一思索,齐声答道“because he didn’t wake up the next day”教师:“Great! you got it.‘didn’t wake up’is an euphemism for‘die ’or‘pass away’.”然后,教师引导学生看第68题(学生的错误率很高,很多同学选D),边引导边启发,使学生身临其境,主动思维,大胆提出自己的看法和感受。例子如下:
68.What do the family feel when father didn’t wake up the next day?
A.Thank to God,father could have a good rest.
B.They should have stopped father from working so hard.
C.They are glad Father can stay at home.
D.There is no point working hard.
教师:Now that we know“my father didn’t wake up the next morning”just means the father died the next day. Please put your feet in the family’s shoes—suppose you were the family,what would you feel when the father,the bread-owner passed away?
教师:Yes,our first reaction would be sad,and meanwhile ,we would feel regretful that we should have stopped father working that hard,do you think so?
学生:It sounds reasonable, but how to explain D?
教师:In my opinion,the family’s first feeling is sad and regretful,and maybe later,when they calmed down,they would feel there is no point working that hard. life is short,we should treasure the time with our family members.Do my answer satisfy you?
在平时的教学中,以上现象经常出现。除了把同学们不明白的地方讲透彻之外,我还十分注重在点滴细节上培养学生的英语思维能力。有时会要求学生就上下文语境推测某个生词的意思;有时提请学生注意美文佳句,并停下来跟学生一起分析欣赏。又例如:有一篇完形讲的是作者的哥哥在第一次世界大战中要去部队服役,当人们在火车站给士兵送行时,部队接到命令解散,因为战争结束了。作者看到人群一片混乱,稍后hear a man’s voice bark orders to the soldiers to turn around,queue up and march back along the street...在这里,我觉得“bark orders”这个“bark”用得特别生动形象,符合军人说话的方式,有学生情不自禁想到军训时,教官也是这样“bark orders”,会意地笑了。同时,由于环境嘈杂,用bark实在是比shout,yell来得更贴切。
[1]Robert J. Sternberg和Louise Spear-Swerling.思维教学.中国轻工业出版社,2002.