Cabbage, cabbage is the main autumn vegetables in Wuzhou City, Guangxi Province, Wuzhou winter and spring is the staple food for six months, but Brassica campestris, cabbage pests and diseases are often cut during the annual growth rate of about 15%, even in severe years up to 50% on. Apricot cabbage, cabbage’s main pests and diseases are downy mildew, anthracnose, soft rot, viral disease, filamentous fungus, Pieris rapae, diamondback moth and cabbage aphids. Cabbage heart, cabbage most susceptible to virus disease at seedling stage, disease resistance weakened after the onset of susceptible to the late susceptible to downy mildew, soft rot and so on, seriously affecting the yield, so strengthen seedling management, the timely elimination of poisoning aphids, engage in Prevent seedling virus disease is very important.